Spratton CE Primary School

'I have come that you may have life, and have life in all its fullness' John 10:10

Curriculum at Spratton

Our strong vision and values underpin life in the school, including the curriculum and extra-curricular provision. Care is taken to weave the vision through all aspects of school life.

We recognise the importance of providing all children with a broad and balanced curriculum which is engaging and encompasses all aspects of our vision and values.

When planning our curriculum, we incorporate the framework of the National Curriculum 2014, EYFS Framework and our own enrichment and enhancement activities.

Staff plan together initially to develop ideas for the curriculum as part of a Long Term Plan and then work in teams and individually to develop unit plans and tailor specific activities for their own classes, taking into account individual needs.

Please see individual subject pages for more information about the English, Maths and RE curriculums. 

Science, History, Geography, Art and Design Technology

We have carefully planned and sequenced our programme of study from the National Curriculum (2014) to ensure that children experience a wide range of knowledge from the core learning expectations. Our lessons are focussed on the development of specific skills for each curriculum area so that children are able to know what it is like to 'be a Historian' or 'be an Artist'. We make strong links between and across the curriculum in order that children have building blocks of knowledge on which to add new learning. 

Other subject areas are taught using commercially available schemes of work. These are: 

Music - Sparkyard (see our Music Development Plan below)

Computing - Purple Mash

RE - The PE Hub

PSHE - Jigsaw

MFL (Spanish) - Language Angels

 You can read our curriculum intent statements for each subject below. Our overall Curriculum Statement and Teaching and Learning Statement can also be found below.

Parents can find a 'road map' of the learning that their child will be undertaking each half term on their class page in the files section at the bottom. These are also sent to parents by email at the beginning of each half term. 

Also below is a Learning to Learn at Spratton - a short guide for parents on how we learn at Spratton. 





 Learn to learn at Spratton.pdfDownload
 Music Development Plan SPR.pdfDownload
 Teaching and Learning Statement.pdfDownload
 Trust Curriculum Statement.pdfDownload
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